In the Kashkadarya region, an extraordinary session of the Yakkabag district Council of People's Deputies was held on July 31. An organizational issue was addressed at the meeting.
As the head of the district's information service Bozor Azizov reported to, Abdirasul Safarov, who worked as the head of the secretariat of the regional governor's office for the issues of industry, capital construction, communications and utilities, has been appointed as the khokim of the Yakkabog district.
The session was also attended by the regional khokim Zafar Ruziyev, he delivered a major speech.
For information, Abdirasul Safarov was born on February 15, 1965 in the Yakkabog district. In 1989, he graduated from the Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction.
It should be recalled that recently, during a video-conference meeting held in the Khorezm region, the Prime Minister reprimanded the governors of the Kashkadarya and Khorezm regions. Also, the khokim and prosecutor of the Yakkabag district were dismissed from office.