Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality established 

POLITICS 11:50 / 31.07.2019 1157

The Council of the Senate of Oliy Majlis adopted a resolution “On improving activities of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of comprehensive support for women and ensuring gender equality”.

According to the document, a Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality has been formed in the Senate.

The committee is entrusted with the task of developing proposals for implementation in national legislation of generally accepted international norms for eliminating all forms of discrimination of women’s rights, monitoring the implementation in practice of the norms of international instruments on the issues of gender equality, to which Uzbekistan has joined and the implementation of the recommendations established therein.

In addition, in its activities, the committee will pay special attention to examining the real state of gender issues at places by engaging in direct dialogue with the population, including women, and taking measures to resolve the actual problems identified through the parliamentary control.

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