At the conference hall of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications, a press conference was held with participation of Uztransgaz officials on the topic “Issues of uninterrupted supply of consumers with electricity, natural and liquefied gas”.
During the event, the company representatives said that Uzbek people use too much natural gas.
“In Uzbekistan, residents use more gas than in the developed and neighboring countries. For example, in foreign countries, one person uses 90 cubic meters of gas, and in Uzbekistan – 400 cubic meters,” the head of a department at Uztransgaz Erkaboy Aliyev said.
He also stated that in 2018, more than 3.2 million households in the republic used 10 billion cubic meters of gas. On average, each household used 5,000 cubic meters of gas throughout the year.
“In Belarus, each household uses on average 1,700-1,900 cubic meters. Residents must economize the natural gas,” Aliyev said.