Uzbekistan may create a separate operator to manage airports

POLITICS 13:00 / 05.11.2018 807

Uzbekistan is considering the possibility of creating a separate operator to manage airports, correspondent reports with reference to Deputy PM Aziz Abdukhakimov.

“There are serious intentions in regard to air traffic. There are plans to increase the efficiency of using the national carrier’s fleet and attract foreign airlines to further increase the geography of regular and charter flights. To raise the level of service at airports, it is planned to consider options for the organization of a separate structure, transferring their management to external investors on a bidding basis,” he said.

According to Mr. Abdukhakimov, a fundamental revision of the system of state regulation, perfection of the institutional foundations of the passenger air transportation market with the division of functions into a state regulator, an air carrier and an airport operator are expected.

In addition, he noted, it is planned to consider the issue of attracting international financial institutions to co-finance programs for the dynamic development of aviation, railway and automobile infrastructure, as well as the necessary communications.

It should be noted that nowadays, in Uzbekistan, there are 11 airports with international status. These are the airports of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench, Navoi, Namangan, Andijan, Termez, Fergana, Karshi and Nukus.

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