Approximate 800,000 workers in Uzbekistan receive a minimum monthly wage

POLITICS 21:36 / 03.11.2018 1477

Nearly 800,000 first category workers in Uzbekistan receive minimum monthly wages, which is around 500,000 sums, Deputy Finance Minister Dilshod Sultonov said.

“The first category workers earn 2,5 times the minimum monthly wage. Typically, they are subordinate skilled people, often called “auxiliary workers”. It should be noted that the official salary of many other highly qualified specialists is equal to the same amount. In this category, there are high class cooks and even directors of large organizations, who receive as low as 500,000 sums. Perhaps, the real monthly salary is paid “in the envelope” to them, Dilshod Sultonov exclaimed.

Also, about 370,000 people work at low monthly wages in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories of budget organizations. Their salary ranges between 500-600 thousand sums per month.

The Deputy Minister said that in 2019, the monthly salary of workers will be increased according to their categories. Thus, the wage of the first category workers will increase by 15%, the second – 10% and the third - by 5%.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in the first 9 months of 2018, average monthly wages in Uzbekistan amounted to 1,684,500 sums including taxes.

The minimum wage among employees of budget organizations, in compliance with the Committee’s report, is received by the health care and social sphere workers – 1,085,700 sums.

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