Uzbekistan ranked 86 on the EF English Proficiency Index

POLITICS 13:11 / 01.11.2018 2189

EF Education First, the world's largest private educational institution, has released an annual global rating. It is based on the data of 1,3 million non-native English speakers living in 88 countries and regions.

“The EF EPI survey shows that states and particular individuals continue to invest in English learning as the language has been recognized as one of the key tools to support competitiveness,” said Dr. Minh H. Tran, a senior research director.

He said that after the EF began to publish this rating, it has become an important factor to discuss the English language skills for governments, companies and teachers.

In the ranking, Sweden ranks first, the second is the Netherlands, and the third is Singapore.

In addition, the top 12 places (highest ranking countries) were occupied by Norway, Denmark, SAR, Luxembourg, Finland, Slovenia, Germany, Belgium and Austria.

Positions ranging from 13 to 27 were given to other high-ranked countries. Among them are Poland, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Greece, Bulgaria, Argentina and others.

From 28 to 44 are countries with medium ranges - France, South Korea, Spain, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and others.

Between 45 and 65 are lower range countries. These are Brazil, Georgia, China, Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia and so forth.

The concluding countries (from 65 to 88) have very low level of English - Iran, Azerbaijan, Syria, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Turkey, Honduras and others. Uzbekistan is ranked 86th, Iraq - 87, Libya - 88.

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