The law "On restriction of smoking nargile and electronic cigarettes in public places" came into effect from Oct. 4, 2018, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.
Smoking nargile and electronic cigarettes is prohibited in the following places:
- Stationery shops and public catering establishments;
- The cinemas, theaters, circuses, concerts, auditoriums and exhibition halls;
- Clubs, discos, computer labs and Internet cafés;
- Museums and libraries;
- Trains, ships, buses, taxis, urban electric transports and on board of aircraft;
- Underground passages, transport stations and places specially allotted for temporary storage of vehicles;
- Airports, railway, car and water transport stations;
- Government buildings;
- Health care organizations, educational institutions, physical training and sports facilities;
- Work places;
- Sports and playing grounds;
- Parks, gardens, streets and other public places.
Any form of ads and activities directed to encourage people to buy/smoke nargile and electronic cigarettes is also prohibited.