The ‘Concept of intensifying democratic reforms and building the civil society in the country’ positions the provision of citizens’ rights in the information sector, including the freedom for obtaining and dissemination of information and their own ideas, as the milestone of building the foundations of a democratic society in Uzbekistan.
Much has been done over the years of independence to reform the information sector, ensure freedom of expression and information. The legislative framework has created the conditions for overall coverage of the performance of state authorities and administration, ensuring the broad access of the population and public institutions to information.
More than 10 recent legislative acts are directly aimed at further democratization and liberalization of the media, and provision of transparency of reforms.
It is important that every journalist who considers himself a patriot of his country, contributed to strengthening of independence, raise of the country’s authority on the world arena, and urged people to cherish the stability and tranquility in the society.
All the abovementioned objectives challenge media workers with the continuous self-improvement, development and better use of advanced information and communication technologies.
I also want to point out to the steady growth in the number of analytical and criticizing stories. 2,159 criticizing and relevant analytical materials were produced in 2013, 2,452 - in 2014, and 3,564 - in 2015. I would like to mention the effectiveness of those works, as state authorities have been taking effective measures to address the issues raised.