In May Tashkent hosted a "round table" on the theme "Experience of Uzbekistan on protection of the rights and the creation of working conditions for workers in the agricultural sector" organized in the framework of the visit to Uzbekistan of delegations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization of Employers (IOE).
The results of this event aroused wide interest abroad. In particular, one of China's most prestigious universities - Shanghai International Studies University posted on its website an article on this topic.
As noted in the material, in the course of the "round table", the participants were informed about the measures implemented in Uzbekistan in the framework of the relevant conventions of International Labour Organization ratified by the Republic, and explanatory work among the population on the principles of international and national labor standards.
It is emphasized that Coordination Council on Child Labour functions in the country which is composed by representatives of a number of state and public organizations. "During the round table it was announced plans to further improve the activities of the Board, - says the publication. - In particular, it is expected the adoption of new measures aimed at the realization of national and international labor standards. In addition, work will continue to strengthen the institutional capacity of existing labor inspection in the country. Particular attention is paid to raising public awareness, strengthening employers' responsibility in the implementation of ILO conventions".
It is reported that the participants of the meeting considered effective measures to improve feedback mechanisms, opening call centers in the regions, outreach work among citizens.
"International experts stressed the importance of promoting the positive experience of cooperation of Uzbekistan in the framework of three-side system, where, thanks to the effective cooperation between the Government, trade unions and employers' organizations manage to achieve substantial results within the framework of social and labor relations", - informs the Shanghai university.
The article cited the opinion of the Special Advisor of the General Director of the International Labour Office (ILO Permanent Secretariat in Geneva) Kari Tapiola, who believes the experience of Uzbekistan is exemplary in the region.
"The scale of cooperation of Uzbekistan with international organizations is growing every year and gives positive results" - quotes the website of the ILO representative.