The Law “On electronic Government” comes into force in June. In this connection the Committee of the Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis on the issues of information and communication technologies jointly with the Ministry on the Development of information technologies and communications held a “round table” devoted to the legal aspects of implementation of the “e-government”.
The speakers noted that this Law will promote the deepening of administrative reforms in the system of Government management, raising the efficiency of rendering electronic government services in compliance with the “one window” principle and in securing openness and transparency in the activities of Government bodies in the realization of citizens’ rights and interests.
A complex Program of action on the development of national information-communication system plays an important role in the further advancement of the national electronic space. In accordance with this program 17 projects on the development of telecommunication technologies, networks and communication infrastructure to the amount of 2,1 trillion soums and about 30 projects on setting up information systems and data bases of the “e-government” system complexes will be realized in 2013-2020.
Efficient legal models for regulating the “e-government” development processes have been considered on the basis of the experiences accumulated in the USA, South Korea and Singapore. Representatives of the Ministries and government agencies presented information on the actual “Soliq” (Tax) and “Budget” systems within the “e-government” framework.
For example, a new tax services electronic portal was commissioned on the 1st of May at the State Tax Committee. Thanks to it will grow up the level of openness, effectiveness and efficiency of relations among the population, entrepreneurs and tax organs. Thus, 550 legal entities and more than 3 thousand people have taken advantage of this type of service during the last ten days alone. Proposals and recommendations related to improvement of the “e-government” services, target indicators of the “e-government” project implementation performance and legal enforcement practices on its introduction and operation have been elaborated.