Uzbekistan to purchase 36 trains from Korea and Czech Republic

BUSINESS 08:31 / 12.10.2023 9907

With the decision signed by the President of Uzbekistan on October 10, the “roadmap” on the reform of the railway transport sector in 2023-2026 was approved.

According to it, 6 high-speed electric trains will be purchased from South Korea and 30 electric trains from the Czech Republic.

6 high-speed electric trains will be purchased under a direct contract from Korea’s Hyundai Rotem. The decision envisages the conclusion of the contract in October 2023.

In November, for the financing of the purchase of these trains, it is planned to attract a loan of €185.0 million from the South Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) for a period of 35 years, including a 10-year grace period, set at an annual rate of 0.1%.

RegioPanter electric train produced by Skoda / Illustrative photo: Radim Holiš

Also, in November 2023, the task was to conclude a direct contract with the Czech company Skoda Transportation for the purchase of 30 modern electric trains. To finance this purchase, in December 2023, it is planned to attract a loan of €350.0 million from Czech banks at a rate of 15%, including a 3-year grace period at an annual rate of 5.5%.

Loans for the purchase of electric trains from Korea and the Czech Republic are guaranteed by the state.

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