Kazakhstan remains major importer of Uzbek-made cars

BUSINESS 12:05 / 29.01.2022 3250

Despite the reduction in production, Uzbekistan increased the export of cars by more than a third. 28,952 cars were delivered abroad for a total cost of $281.8 million, which is more by 10,401 units than a year earlier.

During the reporting period, the following countries were the major importers of Uzbek-made cars:

  • Kazakhstan – 26,970 
  • Ukraine – 929 
  • Russia – 456
  • Azerbaijan – 277
  • Afghanistan – 128
  • Kyrgyzstan – 94 
  • Tajikistan – 88

Last summer, the car factory launched a unified platform for the development of new models, starting with Onix and Tracker. As a result, the production of almost all cars fell sharply in August (although the production of Lacetti increased later).

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