EU grants 5 million euros to Uzbekistan to support its joining the WTO

BUSINESS 21:55 / 12.11.2019 1144

On November 11, 2019, Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov, who is on a visit in Brussels, met with the Director-General of DG DEVCO Koen Doens. 

At the meeting, the parties signed agreements on financing technical assistance projects “Entry of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the World Trade Organization” and “Contribution of the EU to the Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region” (MPHSTF).

The amount of grant funds allocated under the project on the republic’s accession to the WTO is 5 million euros. The project provides assistance to Uzbekistan in the process of joining this organization as a whole, including the preparation of the necessary documents, increasing the knowledge of Uzbek specialists under WTO agreements and the international trading system.

Grants for the MPHSTF project (5.2 million euros) will be used to implement the development programs in the Aral Sea region.

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